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A - Foghorn

Sick of you, how old do you think you are?
Never move, you think everything's too far
Telling you you're a fool but you don't wanna know
You think you do but let me tell you, you're not even close
I can't stay, you're in the way so
Listen when I'm talking
It's better than alright
I'm out there every night
You said to me you might
But you won't
What kept you? I'm not bothered any more
Complacent, got me headed for the door
Foot down, you're not allowed to look outside
You're frightened you'll find something that you like
I can't stay, you're in the way so
Listen when I'm talking
You tell me when I should
I don't drink in your pub
What makes you think I would,
Round your way?
I don't feel bad, I don't look back (x3)
Shame on you, you hate everything that's new
You look down your nose at everything I do
You catch on years later, you're not even slow
Can't stay, have a good day, now I've gotta go
I can't stay, you're in the way so
Listen when I'm talking
It's better than alright
I'm out there every night
You said to me you might
When I'm talking
It's better than alright
I'm out there every night
You said to me you might
When I won't

Categoria: Versuri melodii

Cuvinte cheie:

Adaugat in: Nov 5, 2012

Vizualizari: 990

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